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APA Historical Database: Selected Entries

On May 21:

1817 — Rudolf Lotze was born. Lotze wrote the first text in what could be called physiological psychology (1852). His "theory of local signs" related sensory information to conscious experience. An explanation of the phenomenon of three-dimensional spatial perception from two-dimensional information was a noteworthy application of this theory.

1864 — Edward Wheeler Scripture was born. Scripture's early research focused on reaction time and hearing and was typical of the Wundtian physiological psychology of the day. Later work took Scripture into experimental phonetics and speech research. Scripture was one of the founding members of the APA.

1869 — John Wallace Baird was born. Baird conducted early studies of the roles of convergence and accommodation in depth perception. APA President, 1918.

1873 — Hans Berger was born. Berger was a psychiatrist who invented the electroencephalogram, first tried it on his son, and named the pattern of brain activity during rest and meditation the alpha rhythm.

1910 — Shearley Oliver Roberts was born. Roberts contributed to psychology in the areas of child development, cultural differences, personality adjustment, and testing of intelligence, interest, and achievement. He established the psychology department at Fisk University (1951).

1946 — The Washington-Baltimore Branch of the APA and the Clinical Psychologists Group of the District of Columbia held a joint meeting to discuss merging the two organizations. A joint resolution to form one organization, the District of Columbia Psychological Association, was subsequently approved by the two memberships.

1992 — The first International Behavioral Neuroscience Conference began in San Antonio, Texas. The International Behavioral Neuroscience Society was founded at this meeting, with Matthew J. Wayner of the University of Texas, San Antonio as its first president.

Copyright © 1995, American Psychological Association. Web version by permission. Source: Street, W. R. (1994). A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and Central Washington University have supported the development of the APA Historical Database.

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