1841 - Johann F. Herbart, often cited as the founder of educational psychology, gave his last lecture at the University of Göttingen.
1896 - Jean Piaget was born. Piaget was perhaps the most influential developmental psychologist of the twentieth century. His genetic epistemology described orderly stages of growth in the child's cognitive representation of the world and the effects of cognitive development on a broad range of related behaviors. APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1969.
1897 - Lauretta Bender was born. Bender developed the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for the diagnosis of neurological disorders. She was senior psychiatrist at New York's Bellevue Hospital from 1930 to 1956.
1928 - John H. Flavell was born. Flavell is the major American interpreter of the work of Jean Piaget. Flavell's own studies of the cognitive development of the child have focused on memory strategies, role taking, knowledge about perception, and the distinction between appearances and reality. APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1984.
1956 - The first computer run successfully simulating human problem solving was completed. Herbert A. Simon and Allen Newell were the principal investigators on this project. The program used heuristic problem-solving methods to prove Theorem 2.01 of Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica.
1984 - The New Hampshire Psychological Organization was incorporated.
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