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APA Historical Database: Selected Entries

On August 26:

1760 - Gregor Feinaigle was born. Feinaigle was a German mnemonist who gave exhibitions and instruction on memory throughout Europe. He applied his methods to education in several schools in Ireland.

1832 - Wilhelm Wundt was baptized by his father.

1850 - Charles Richet was born. Richet was responsible for a rebirth of interest in hypnotism and parapsychology in the early 1900s. He coined the term ectoplasm to denote the substance related to psychic abilities. His career in more conventional physiology focused on hypersensitivity to proteins and resulted in his winning the Nobel prize in 1913.

1908 - The first division of child hygiene in a U.S. city health department was established by New York City. Under the direction of Dr. S. Josephine Baker, the New York Division of Child Hygiene carried out programs that were to provide standards for all subsequent child hygiene programs. Standards for day care, midwives, school medical examinations, maternal education, and public sanitation were enacted.

1917 - Olga E. de Cillis Engelhardt was born. Her varied interests included comparative, social, experimental, and industrial/organizational psychology. She worked for several corporations in training and evaluation. She was the first woman industrial/organizational psychologist to head a division of business and management.

1926 - Ellen Hayward Pulford Reese was born. Ellen Reese was a comparative psychologist with a strongly behavioral orientation. Her books, Experiments in Operant Behavior and The Analysis of Human Operant Behavior, and a four-part film series, Behavior Theory in Practice, introduced thousands of students to the principles of behavior. American Psychological Foundation Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education in Psychology, 1986.

1934 - Wilhelm Reich was expelled from the International Psychoanalytic Society. Reich's dedication to a political theory that combined Marxism and psychoanalysis and his increasingly disorganized personality led to the split.

1937 - The Western Psychological Association (WPA) petitioned to become an affiliate organization of the APA. A letter from WPA Secretary Frank C. Davis presented the petition. The APA approved the petition on September 8, 1938.

1954 - The Missouri Psychological Association was founded and legally incorporated.

1963 - Albert Bandura and Richard Walters's book Social Learning and Personality Development was published. When this book was featured as a "citation classic" by the journal Current Contents in 1981, it had been cited in over 985 other works.

1963 - William L. Hays's text Statistics for Psychologists was published.

1973 - The Psychologists Interested in Religious Issues board voted to seek APA divisional status. This was followed by a vote of the members on February 15, 1974. The group eventually became APA Division 36 (Psycholog of Religion).

1976 - CBS broadcast a dramatic special titled "The Tenth Level," dramatizing Stanley Milgram's obedience research. The show starred William Shatner in the role of Professor Stephen Turner. Milgram said his most significant act as a technical advisor was to recommend which journals should be on the professor's desk. "I recommended the whole glorious APA list," he said.

1981 - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii delivered the invited address to the APA annual meeting in Los Angeles. His topic was "Health and Science Policy: Impact of the Reagan Administration."

1984 - The APA Council of Representatives approved the creation of APA Division 43 (Family Psychology).

1984 - The APA Council of Representatives approved the creation of APA Division 44 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues).

1987 - The APA Monitor announced the availability of PsycPLUS, comprised of abstracts of nonserial materials such as books, films, book reviews, and videotapes.

1992 - President George Bush signed the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992. The act imposed penalties for attacks on animal care facilities by animal rights activists. Instigated by a rash of breakins and vandalism, the act protected both commercial and academic research facilities.

Copyright © 1995, American Psychological Association. Web version by permission. Source: Street, W. R. (1994). A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and Central Washington University have supported the development of the APA Historical Database.

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