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APA Historical Database: Selected Entries

On September 8:

1854 - The cornerstone was laid for the State Asylum for Idiots in Syracuse, New York, the first building in the United States expressly built for the care and training of people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. The program itself, directed by Harvey B. Wilbur, had begun in Albany in 1851. The institution's name was later changed to the Syracuse State School.

1878 - Joseph Peterson was born. Peterson did early work in auditory and visual perception, learning, intelligence testing, and the transfer of training. APA President, 1934.

1932 - The journal Character and Personality was first published by Duke University. The title was later changed to the Journal of Personality.

1932 - The APA voted to apply for membership in the Inter-Society Color Council, a group concerned with color perception and industry standards. Clarence Ferree, A. T. Poffenberger, and Forrest Lee Dimmick were the first APA representatives on the Council. Their first informal report to the APA was made on September 8, 1933, and their first formal report was made on August 25, 1934.

1938 - The APA voted to provide a subscription to Psychological Bulletin for each member. Seventy-five cents of each member's dues was allocated for this purpose. The action took effect on January 1, 1939.

1938 - The APA Committee on Scientific and Professional Ethics was established. This was the APA's first group to deal with professional ethical issues, but it used unwritten, informal procedures to handle incidents that were brought to its attention. Robert S. Sessions chaired the committee.

1947 - The manual for George K. Bennett, Harold G. Seashore, and Alexander G. Wesman's Differential Aptitude Test was published.

1960 - The Pennsylvania Psychological Association was incorporated.

1964 - The APA Council of Representatives admitted Division 25 (Experimental Analysis of Behavior). Joseph V. Brady was the first president of the division.

Copyright © 1995, American Psychological Association. Web version by permission. Source: Street, W. R. (1994). A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and Central Washington University have supported the development of the APA Historical Database.

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