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APA Historical Database: Selected Entries

On September 15:

1865 - Matataro Matsumoto was born. Matsumoto earned his doctoral degree at Yale University under Edward W. Scripture, then returned to Japan, where he introduced applied experimental psychology and helped to train the senior generation of Japanese experimental psychologists. In addition to applied psychology, he wrote about the psychology of art.

1879 - Albert Paul Weiss was born. Weiss was an early behaviorist who advocated that psychology abandon the concepts of consciousness and mental life in favor of observed behavior as the proper object of study. Weiss applied his behaviorism to practical behavioral problems such as automobile driving.

1906 - The Vineland Laboratory was founded at the Training School for Backward and Feeble-Minded Children, later named the Vineland Training School, in Vineland, New Jersey. Henry H. Goddard was the laboratory's first director. The laboratory studied basic processes and applied methods in intelligence, retardation, and education. The famous Kallikak family studies came from this laboratory.

1918 - John V. Zuckerman was born. Zuckerman's career of teaching, scholarship, and administration focused on management psychology. He held positions in industry, government, and education, spending much of his career at the University of Houston's Department of Management.

1925 - The trustees of the University of Illinois approved the first sport psychology research laboratory in the United States. Coleman Roberts Griffith directed the lab until 1932, when it closed for lack of continued funding.

1942 - Michael S. Pallak was born. Pallak's interests have been in the social psychology of attitudes and behavior. APA Executive Officer, 1979-1985.

1942 - The first U.S. Army Air Forces Aviation Psychology Program (APP) detachments to work at flying schools were ordered to air bases at Las Vegas, Nevada, Harlingen, Texas, and Tyndall Field, Florida. The units were under the commands of Major Clarence W. Brown, Major Glen Finch, and Lieutenant Colonel R. N. Hobbs, respectively. The AAP units were responsible for selection of low-altitude bombadiers and selection and training of flexible gunners.

1961 - Donald E. Broadbent's Behavior was published.

Copyright © 1995, American Psychological Association. Web version by permission. Source: Street, W. R. (1994). A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and Central Washington University have supported the development of the APA Historical Database.

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