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APA Historical Database: Selected Entries

On November 18:

1828 — John Langdon Down was born. In 1866, Down first described the syndrome of physical and mental abnormalities that now bears his name. He called it "Mongolism" and integrated it into an ethnic theory of abnormality.

1835 — Cesare Lombroso was born. Lombroso was the first criminal anthropologist. In his book, L'Oumo delinquente (The Criminal) (1876), he contended that criminal behavior resulted from genetic degeneration and could be detected by facial features typical of more primitive stages of human development. In his book Genio e Follia (Genius and Insanity) (1877), he postulated a relation between genius and epilepsy.

1882 — Josef Breuer first told Sigmund Freud about "Anna O.'s" cathartic "talking cure," 5 months after Breuer's final visit with Anna O. Freud made the cathartic method the foundation of psychodynamic therapy.

1924 — Dorothy Hansen Eichorn was born. Her interests were in developmental, experimental, and physiological psychology. She was the administrator of the Child Study Center at University of California, Berkeley, where she was involved in the Berkeley and Oakland growth studies.

1953 Carl Hovland, Irving Janis, and Harold Kelley's book Communication and Persuasion was published.

1964 — The term debriefing, borrowed from British military jargon, was first used in its psychological context in an article by Stanley Milgram published in the American Psychologist. Milgram used the term to describe the postexperimental measures taken in his studies of obedience.

1988 — The first training conference of the APA's AIDS Community Training Project was held in Buffalo, New York. The series of 15 conferences was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health and administered by the APA.

Copyright © 1995, American Psychological Association. Web version by permission. Source: Street, W. R. (1994). A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and Central Washington University have supported the development of the APA Historical Database.

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