Martin Ryder
  University of Colorado at Denver
  School of Education

Celebrities in Cognitive Science

Writings by and about leading thinkers in cognitive science, and critics and observers of the philosophy of mind.

Fredric Bartlett Jerome Bruner John Carroll David Chalmers
Noam Chomsky Patricia Churchland William Clancey Michael Cole
Daniel Dennett John Dewey Hubert Dreyfus Gerald Edelman
Heinz von Foerster Howard Gardner Jack Goody Stevan Harnad
Douglas Hofstadter   David Hume John Josephson Karl Lashley
George Lakoff Brenda Laurel John McCarthy Warren McCulloch
Drew McDermott George Miller Marvin Minsky Allen Newell
Donald Norman Ulric Neisser Seymore Papert Jean Piaget
Roger Schank John Searle Herbert Simon Paul Thagard
Sherry Turkle Alan Turing Mark Turner Francisco Varela
Valentin Voloshinov Lev Vygotsky Terry Winograd Ludwig Wittgenstein
Wilhelm Wundt

related pages..

Frederic Bartlett

Jerome Bruner

Vannevar Bush As We May Think (1945)

David Chalmers

Noam Chomsky

  • Patricia Smith Churchland

  • William Clancey

    Michael Cole

    Daniel Dennett

    Hubert Dreyfus

    Gerald Edelman

    Howard Gardner

    Stevan Harnad

    Douglas Hofstadter

    David Hume

    George Lakoff

    Karl Lashley

    Brenda Laurel

    Warren McCulloch

    Drew McDermott

    George Miller

    Marvin Minsky

    Allen Newell

    Ulric Neisser

    Donald Norman

    Seymore Papert

    Jean Piaget

    Roger Schank

    John Searle

    Herbert Simon

    Paul Thagard

    Alan Turing

    Mark Turner

    Terry Winograd

    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Valentin Voloshinov

    Lev Vygotsky Wilhelm Wundt All links verified January 01, 2004.
    Main Index

    blueribbon campaign

    Martin Ryder
    January 11, 2004