Introdução a Tutores Inteligentes Índice da DisciplinasDisciplina AnteriorPróxima Disciplina
Código: ESPIE-00003
Responsável: Profª Drª Rosa Viccari 
Carga Horária: 30 horas
Semestre: 2º Semestre
Objetivo(s): Apresentar aos alunos a área de pesquisa em tutores inteligentes, através da abordagem tradicional e da nova visão dada pela Inteligência Artificial Distribuída.
Ementa/Sumário: fundamentos de IA dos tutores inteligentes;
discussão de sistemas existentes;
abordagem de construção de tutores através do uso de uma arquitetura modular;
abordagem de construção de tutores através de agentes autônomos;
a representação do modelo do aluno;
a interface com o usuário;
estratégias de ensino/aprendizagem.
Bibliografia: /AND 90/ Anderson, J. R.; Boyle, C. F.; Corbett, A. T.; Lewis, M. W. Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent Tutoring. Artificial Intelligence, 42(1):7-50, feb. 1990.
/BRA 88/Brazdil, P. Meta-level Extension of Logic and Machine Learning. In: Maes, P. & Nardi, D. (eds.) Workshop on Meta-Level Archictetures and Reflection. Elsevier Science, 1988. P. 345-355.
/MIL 82/Miller, M. L. A Structured Planning and Debugging Environment for Elementary Programming. In: Sleeman, D. H. & Brown, J. S. (eds.)
/MIT 86/ Mitchell, T.; Keller, R., Kedar-Cabelli, S. Explanation - Based Generalization: a Unifying View. Machine Learning, 1:47-80, 1986.
/NIL 87/ Nilsson, N. & Genesereth, M. Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.
/OHL 87/Ohlsson, S. Some Principles of Intelligent Tutoring. In: Lawler, R. W. & Yazdani, M. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Education. Norwood, Ablex Pub., 19987. P. 203 - 238.
/OLI 93/Oliveira, F. M. Tese de doutorado, CPGCC/UFRGS, 1993 
/PAP 87/ Papert, S. Microworlds: Transforming Education. In: Lawler, R. W. & Yazdani, M. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Education. Norwood, Ablex Pub., 1987. P. 79 - 94.
/ROB 65/Robinson, J. A. Machine - Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle. Journal of the ACM, 12 1965. P. 23-41.
/SEL 87/ SELBIG, J. "Knowledge Acquisition by Inductive Learning from Examples." In: Jantke, K. P. (ed.) Analogical and Inductive Inference. Berlin, Springer - Verlang, 1987. P. 145 - 163.
/SEL 87/ SELF, J. The Application of Machine Learning to Student Modelling. In: Lawler, R. W. & Mazdani, Y. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Education. Ablex Piblishig, 1987. P.267 - 280.
/SEL 88/ SELF, J. A. Knowledge, Belief and User Modelling. In: O’SHEA, T. & SGREV, V. (eds.) AI III: Methodology, Systems and Applications. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1988.
/SEL 88/ SELF. J. A. (ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Human Learning: Intelligent Computer - Aided Instruction. London, Chapman & Hall, 1988.
/SLE 82/ Sleeman, D. H. & Brown, J. S. (eds.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems. New York, Academic Press, 1982.
/SLE 87/ Sleeman, D. H. PIXIE: A Shell for Developing Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: Laeler, R. W. & Yadani, M. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Education. Norwood, Ablex Pub., 1987. P. 183 - 202.
/VIC 89/ VICCARI, R. M. TUTOR- PROLOG: Concepção, Projeto e Desenvolvimento. Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra. 1989. (tese de doutorado).
/WOO 88/ Woolf, B. P. Representing Complex Knowledge in an Intelligent Machine Tutor. In: Self, J. A (ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Human Learning: Intelligent Computer - Aided Instruction. London, Chapman & Hall, 1988.
/YAZ 87/ Yazdani, M. Intelligent Tutorin Systems: an Overview. In: Lawler, R. W. & Yazdani, M (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Education. Norwood, Ablex Pub., 1987. P. 183 - 202.